Wordcount Wednesday

Okay, it’s been a while. I’ve got no excuse. I’ve been a bit lazy. But it’s time to knuckle down. I need to focus. I need to land this thing.

I’m talking about the first draft for The Iron Staff Book One (still looking for a title for this thing).

When last we checked in, the first draft was at 44,007 words. Tonight, it’s at 54,063 words, meaning that in the intervening month and a half, I’ve added 10,056 words.

Not too bad, considering I had a family vacation in the middle of there.

But this now poses a little bit of a problem for me. Originally, I had planned for this book to be only about 85,000 words long (to match Numb and The Hive), but I’m thinking I’m at about the 40% mark in terms of the story. So I’m moving the goal post a little. I’ll take this out to the 100k mark and then see what I can do in editing.

I’m also thinking it’s time for me to get this sucker done. So I’m setting a goal for myself: I want to get this done by the end of July. By my rough estimate, if I can do 2,000 words a day, I might be able to make it.

I’ve done this sort of goal setting before and it’s rarely ever worked. But maybe this time it will. Keep checking back and we’ll see how I’m doing.

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