A Question in the Interim

Sorry, everybody. Real life kind of hit me hard this weekend, which is normally when I would have written the next post in this series. I’ll hopefully be able to come back to it next Monday. But I didn’t want to just leave this out in limbo in the meantime. So instead, I thought I would ask you a question that will ultimately tie in to one of the points I want to make later in the series. Feel free to answer if you want:

How would you explain what Christians believe about the afterlife? What happens to a Christian after s/he dies?

[bctt tweet=”Author @JohnWOtte has a question to ask you. Feel free to answer if you want!” via=”no”]

One Comment:

  1. I’m waiting for a cab to take me to the doctor so I completely understand getting hit hard when you want to do so many other things >___< I guess my first response to this interim question is relevant right now… NO MORE SICKNESS! That may seem oversimplified, and right now it is, but I think it points to one of the most important parts about how Christians "should" see the afterlife – a new body without sin and to become what humanity was always intended to be – immortal believers in God Almighty as a Friend and Savior. I'm coughing my head off right now, and I understand the prayers "Even so come, Lord Jesus!" specifically. Then I think of those that don't know Jesus as Savior and change my plea to "Let me reach even one more for you, Lord Jesus!" This life isn't a dress-rehearsal for Heaven though. This life is an existence with a purpose to realize that we have a responsibility to follow God even when we don't understand or see the reasoning. Wheezing right now will give way to rejoicing in God's Presence one day. That really is the MOST IMPORTANT thing about the after-life to me – living with Jesus for eternity! The song "First Million Years" is my answer, Mr. Otte. I may not have much of a voice today due to an allergic reaction that has robbed me momentarily, but I plan to sing for Jesus FOREVER! THAT is my after-life expectation for the "First Million Years"… then Jesus can send me on another project with relocating the mortal humans that live through the Tribulation to other planets. Hey, a Sci-Fi Fantasy Gal can dream of cool intermediary jobs in Heaven, right? ^_____^
    Tonja Klein – TK ^___~ http://www.eirinth.com and http://www.tribulationhelp.com

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