Category: Christianity
Geek Confessional: Time to Get Numb Again

This is post 31 of 34 in the series “Geek Confessional” Confessing my deepest, darkest geek secrets. Geek Confessional: I’ve got (a lot of) game Geek Confessional: I’ve written for Deep Space Nine, Lois & Clark, and The X-Files (sort of) Geek Confessional Update: I have the scripts! Geek Confessional:…
Geek Confessional: When One Becomes “Three”

This is post 30 of 34 in the series “Geek Confessional” Confessing my deepest, darkest geek secrets. Geek Confessional: I’ve got (a lot of) game Geek Confessional: I’ve written for Deep Space Nine, Lois & Clark, and The X-Files (sort of) Geek Confessional Update: I have the scripts! Geek Confessional:…
The Lutheran Difference: Q & A — The Different Lutherans

This is post 34 of 34 in the series “The Lutheran Difference” A series of posts explaining what makes Lutheran Christians different from other Christians. The Lutheran Difference: An Introduction The Lutheran Difference: Historical Background The Lutheran Difference: The Light Bulb Moment The Lutheran Difference: Indulge Me for a Moment…
The Lutheran Difference: Q & A — A Word on the Word

This is post 33 of 34 in the series “The Lutheran Difference” A series of posts explaining what makes Lutheran Christians different from other Christians. The Lutheran Difference: An Introduction The Lutheran Difference: Historical Background The Lutheran Difference: The Light Bulb Moment The Lutheran Difference: Indulge Me for a Moment…
The Lutheran Difference: Q & A — Luther vs. Calvin

This is post 32 of 34 in the series “The Lutheran Difference” A series of posts explaining what makes Lutheran Christians different from other Christians. The Lutheran Difference: An Introduction The Lutheran Difference: Historical Background The Lutheran Difference: The Light Bulb Moment The Lutheran Difference: Indulge Me for a Moment…
Geek Confessional: When Dreams Die Hard

This is post 26 of 34 in the series “Geek Confessional” Confessing my deepest, darkest geek secrets. Geek Confessional: I’ve got (a lot of) game Geek Confessional: I’ve written for Deep Space Nine, Lois & Clark, and The X-Files (sort of) Geek Confessional Update: I have the scripts! Geek Confessional:…
The Lutheran Difference: Q&A

This is post 31 of 34 in the series “The Lutheran Difference” A series of posts explaining what makes Lutheran Christians different from other Christians. The Lutheran Difference: An Introduction The Lutheran Difference: Historical Background The Lutheran Difference: The Light Bulb Moment The Lutheran Difference: Indulge Me for a Moment…
The Lutheran Difference: It’s the End of the World as We Know It

This is post 30 of 34 in the series “The Lutheran Difference” A series of posts explaining what makes Lutheran Christians different from other Christians. The Lutheran Difference: An Introduction The Lutheran Difference: Historical Background The Lutheran Difference: The Light Bulb Moment The Lutheran Difference: Indulge Me for a Moment…
Geek Confessional: The Return of the Christian Fiction

This is post 25 of 34 in the series “Geek Confessional” Confessing my deepest, darkest geek secrets. Geek Confessional: I’ve got (a lot of) game Geek Confessional: I’ve written for Deep Space Nine, Lois & Clark, and The X-Files (sort of) Geek Confessional Update: I have the scripts! Geek Confessional:…