Freaky Fun Friday Part V — Exploring Garretsburg

  1. Freaky Fun Friday: The Return
  2. Freaky Fun Friday Part I — Staci’s Gone Missing!
  3. Freaky Fun Friday Part II — Retracing Staci’s Steps
  4. Freaky Fun Friday Part III — Something’s Rotten in Garretsburg
  5. Freaky Fun Friday Part IV—Meet the Crew
  6. Freaky Fun Friday Part V — Exploring Garretsburg
  7. Freaky Fun Friday Part VI — Digging Deeper
  8. Freaky Fun Friday Part VII — A Dead End?
  9. Freaky Fun Friday Part VIII — The Aftermath
  10. Freaky Fun Friday Part X — Into the Woods
  11. Freaky Fun Friday Part XI — A Warning Shot
  12. Freaky Fun Friday Part XII — The Conclusion

WHERE WE LEFT OFF: Staci and Leon have been joined by Bethany and her jerk of a boyfriend, Ray. They’ve driven from their college to Garretsburg and checked into a motel.


The next morning, the crew goes back to the vacant lot where Lisa’s house once stood. Bethany whines about why they’re there, filming an empty lot for no apparent reason. Leon replies that they’re getting B-roll footage for Lisa’s interview. He pans the camera across the field. There isn’t much to see, mostly just dying grass. We see Staci and Bethany kicking through the grass. Then Ray shouts that he’s found something. Tucked into some scraggly bushes is a strange ragdoll, looking like it was made out of a black towel and tied together to make arms and legs. Ray wonders out loud if it’s a clue. Leon snorts and says it’s unlikely.

“What are you kids doing?” a voice shouts.

The camera turns to reveal a sheriff’s car parked next to the lot. An older gentleman, maybe in his late fifties, is leaning out of the window.

“We’re filming a documentary,” Staci said.

“You got a permit for that, right?” It’s clear that the sheriff knows that they don’t. “You go down to City Hall and get one, got it?”

The camera shuts off, only to turn on again in City Hall. Staci motions for Leon to keep quiet and they wait outside a door. We can hear snippets of an argument through the door, someone saying something about how “they won’t find anything, don’t worry.”

Then the Mayor exits the room. He too is an older gentleman in his late 50s and almost appears to be “everyone’s grandpa.” He seems a bit surprised to see the students and the camera, but he plasters on a smile and thanks them for coming. He says he’s already started the work on drawing up the permits and if they have any questions, they can come by and talk to him.

Staci brings up what happened to Lisa’s house. The Mayor is still all smiles and replies that it was clearly an unfortunate accident, one that caused Lisa’s dad to overreact. They go down to the clerk’s window and get the permits. The Mayor agrees to meet with Staci and Leon the next day for an interview.

The footage cuts to that interview. The Mayor is seated behind his desk. Pictures of Garretsburg hang on the wall behind him. Staci asks questions about the property outside of town, the election, and the fire. The Mayor explains that the property is owned by the city and the person who donated it stipulated that the city had to hold on to it. That’s why they couldn’t sell it to Lisa’s dad. As for the rumors of a rigged election, the Mayor denied any wrongdoing. He suggested that Lisa’s dad was simply paranoid and jumping at everything. The fire was a tragic event but coincidental to it all.

Once the interview is over, he ushers Staci and Leon out of his office. Leon asks what they’ll do next. Staci looks upset. She stares at the Mayor’s office door and says, “He’s lying. I know he is. C’mon, let’s get the others and head to the library for some research.”

So what will they find? Tune in next week to find out!

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