Slenderman: Requiem for Responsibility

Have you noticed that, with one of the latest updates to Facebook, they’ve added a “Trending” newsfeed? It’s a short list of the top stories that’s setting Facebook abuzzing. I usually ignore it, but every now and then, I’ll spot something that catches my attention. So you can imagine my…

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THEY’RE BACK (sort of)!

Okay, so normally, I wouldn’t write two blog posts in such quick succession, but this is so cool, I have to share like right now. So after watching the aforementioned Johnny Express video (you’ve watched that, right? I mean, if you haven’t, you should. Like five minutes ago), I accidentally…

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Flying Sheep and Bad Shepherds

True story time. When I was in college, I was part of the pre-seminary “club” called AEX (which stood for adelphoi en christo, or Greek for “Brothers in Christ”). We would meet for weekly Bible studies and do the occasional service projects. And occasionally, we would get asked to lead…

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Wordcount Wednesday

Not much to report this week. I’ve been working on a new story project for the last week or so using Randy Ingermanson’s genius Snowflake Method. Seriously. This thing rocks. All of my published novels were put together using the Snowflake Method. But there are no numbers to report. Maybe…

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How I Would Have Written Star Wars Episode I

Happy Star Wars Day, everyone! In honor of this special occasion, I decided to do something a little…well, different. I’ve had this rattling around in my brain for a while now, and I decided it was time to let it out and see what people think. And so, I present…

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